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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Politics and War and the Media

As far as I am concerned politics and war and media do not mix. Take Iraq for example. We have won a war there, yet the politicians to the left and the media refuse to admit it. On a website I check frequently for casualty numbers ( one can view casualties, both hostile and non hostile for every month of the war, and the facts don't lie. In May of 2007 the American troops suffered 123 hostile fatalities, and in Oct. of this year they suffered 2! Some will say that the Iraqi civilians are taking the brunt of the violence now, also not true. In Sept. of 2006 there were 3300 civilian fatalities, in September of this year: 96! For some reason the media and the politicians to the left don't like positive things. Maybe they should read the book, "How Full is Your Bucket?" When things were going bad in Iraq there was criticism everywhere, people wanted Bush out of office. It was a key issue in the campaign during the primary races for President. Another sign that things got better is that the nearer we got to the election last November, the less of an issue Iraq was. Why? Because we are winning and no one knows it or wants to write about it. And everyone likes to claim how well we are supporting our troops yet we refuse to admit that they have gone over and kicked butt, is that support?
Now Afghanistan is a different story. Things have gotten worse there as it is trending the other way, fatalities are getting higher. The military is asking for 40,000 more troops now. Obama says he is thinking about it. Americans are dying while he is thinking and the politicians to the left are using rhetoric and stall tactics. If I had a son or daughter in Afghanistan and the military leaders were requesting more troops to help, I would not be happy with the situation happening in the Capital right now. It was proven in Iraq that troop increases helped win the war. I say give it a try in Afghanistan. To me it is time to go all in or go home. This half way stuff is costing Americans lives! I thought we learned lessons from Vietnam, obviously the wrong ones it looks like.

I guess my main point is this: How can we as Americans let the media and politicians get away with this? All these positive things going on in Iraq, when positive news can be so good for the American people and the troops, and nothing is said. That is sad, and it hurts the morale of the American people. I am sending an email to Obama, Clinton, and Pelosi and highly encouraging them to read the book "How Full is Your Bucket?" It might help.

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